

发布时间: 2024-05-03 15:51:28北京青年报社官方账号





"Chinese divers count for 1 percent of the total number of people going to islands," said Lou Yanze, president of PADI's China branch. "We hope to promote diving among more Chinese tourists. We aim to issue 500,000 certificates in China in the next five years, which means the number of divers will grow by 500,000 annually."


"China's economy will need to rely increasingly on domestic demand to sustain rapid growth," it said in the May edition of the China Economic Update.


"Coupled with ongoing urbanization and rising domestic demand powered by the Chinese government's measures to shift the economy to an internal consumption-driven model, the market potential in the Chinese mainland, particularly in lower-tier cities, continues to be attractive to jewelry retailers of all sizes," said Yang Lixin, director of the gemological training center for China's National Gem and Jewelry Technology Administrative Center.


"Companies should be clear and transparent with your customers about what you are collecting, how you are using and protecting that data, and ensure that you got consent from them so they have the knowledge that their data are being collected," she explained.


"Currently, there are still some financial institutions from Asia, Europe and the Americas doing market research in China. Some have made clear their business expansion plans in the country, and some have submitted their initial applications for the establishment of financial institutions in China. We estimate that a growing number of foreign institutions will take part in Chinese financial markets over a period of time in the future, and they will become an effective strength for high-quality development of the domestic financial sector," the spokesman said.


